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Case convergence problem

asked Feb 22 '1

OK gravatar image

Hello, I have problem with my case, where it is not really converging at all. could you please help me by listing the possible causes which lead to non-convergence of a case, e.g. I heard that reaching reactive generation limit is one of the reasons for non-convergence of the case.

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answered Feb 26 '1

Cao Huy gravatar image

Here are some reasons:

  1. Supply-demand unbalance
  2. Too much power transfer through an interface
  3. Voltage control problems

I suggest:

  1. balance load and generators manually, for each area.
  2. run loadflow with flatstart, ignore reactive power limits.

In case there is not sensitive information in your file, I could lend you a hand.


answered Feb 22 '1

jconto gravatar image

Numerically non-convergence conditions due to switching back & forth of capacitors or adjusting transformer taps or conflicting voltage control objective of generators need to be cleared first. Next, check that total generation and load, in P and Q, are close enough so the swing unit could resolve the unbalance.

Find a previous case that converged, compare them to find the significant differences and adjust accordingly. For example, if there is too much load in the non-converging case, consider reducing it to a level that you can converge again and then perform a PV study to find the maximum load to increase before reaching non-convergence.


answered Feb 22 '1

perolofl gravatar image

Try to solve with ignore reactive power limits.

Then check the generators with reactive power overload.



I tried, still same problem

OK gravatar imageOK (Feb 22 '1)

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Asked: Feb 22 '1

Seen: 875 times

Last updated: Feb 26 '21