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UDM for Load Shedding Scheme

asked Jan 8 '1

ShaHe23 gravatar image

Hi everyone! I tried to implement dynamic load shedding scheme which detects ROCOF and shed equal amout of load to match the power imbalance during simulation using python script (other than using load relay models LVSHBL, DLSHBL etc.) but it didn't work. It sheds loads but frequency not come to stable range as it gradually decreases with time. Therefore I'm trying to implement UDM. But I'm not familiar with Fortran or creating UDMs. I read the POM chapter but I don't know how to start with this. Can someone assit me with an example UDM for this it'll be a big help for me. Thanks in Advance

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answered Jan 8 '1

jconto gravatar image

Check the post "BASIC MODEL WRITING EXAMPLE IN FORTRAN FOR PSS/E" for a link to a demo set to compile a basic UDM. On Fortran, search the internet for a tutorial.



Thank you very much for the guidance.

ShaHe23 gravatar imageShaHe23 (Jan 11 '1)

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Asked: Jan 8 '1

Seen: 564 times

Last updated: Jan 08 '21