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Getting output without using .out file

asked Nov 23 '0

Etki Acilan gravatar image

updated Nov 24 '0

Hello, I am doing a large scaled simulation. But as the size of the .out file increases, the simulation gets slower. Therefore, I want to get the output of the channels without using .out file. OR I want to make the .out file only store the last time instant's outputs.

Can I do that?? How can I do that?

Thank you very much,

Solution: Thanks to perolofl, I solved my problem.

What I was doing (which was very slow): I was writing my output to .out file then by using dyntools I was reading the last output.

What I am doing now: I am not using any .out file. I am using psspy.chnval() to get the latest output.

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answered Nov 23 '0

perolofl gravatar image

Do you mean to store only the output of the last time step of the whole simulation? It can be done by using NPLT=0 for the main part of the simulation and make another run for one time step with NPLT=1.

Do you have a large amount of channels?



Yes,I want to store only the last step. However, I do simulations in small intervals. I use = last_instant + delta_time) for 1000 times for example, and I use each time step's output for something else. I am working on a kalman filter. So, actually, I want to overwrite on .out file.

Etki Acilan gravatar imageEtki Acilan (Nov 23 '0)

You can't overwrite an out-file in the way you want, time step by time step. Why do you write to an out-file? Since you are pausing the simulation every time step, you can acces the channel values directly with psspy.chnval().

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Nov 24 '0)

Hello, I solved my problem thanks to you. I edited my thread.

Etki Acilan gravatar imageEtki Acilan (Nov 24 '0)

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Asked: Nov 23 '0

Seen: 489 times

Last updated: Nov 24 '20