Switching off turbine governor model for dynamic stability
Is it OK to switch off turbine governor model for dynamic simulation considering it slow response? I have heard that some use only the generator model for this. Pls clarify.
Is it OK to switch off turbine governor model for dynamic simulation considering it slow response? I have heard that some use only the generator model for this. Pls clarify.
There are several ways to do that. I guess the switch off is to hold PMECH unchanged. You just change the proper CONs in governor model. It also depends on your governor model. e.g. in IEEEG1, just put big value on T3, the PMECH is going to unchanged. Changing the PMAX and PMIN accordingly are also an option.
It is much better to disable the model…:-)
I want to hold Governor but also want to hold PMECH unchange for TGOV1 model. What can i do? pls help me.
What do you mean with ”hold governor”?
It means I don't want to disable the model (don't click on "in service") but also to hold PMECH unchange.
There are not Pmax/min or DB at TGOV1 model
As you say, the governor response is usually relatively slow, so it won't affect fault ride-through results significantly. However, if you are studying the frequency stability of a power system, then you should not turn off the governors.