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Auto Generate Single Line Diagram

asked 2013-01-21 16:54:13 -0600

JervisW gravatar image

I've been thinking about the problem that lots of people have. How to auto-generate a nice looking Single Line Diagram just by giving the sav file.

So for people that don't mind reading code, Two months ago I set up an open source project that auto generates a single line diagram.

You'll need to install

The reason I'm using version 1.2 is because that is the highest version that is still compatible with Python 2.5.

My question is: What should the open-source project do?

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answered 2013-04-23 11:53:32 -0600

df2468 gravatar image

updated 2013-04-23 12:06:23 -0600

I am curious, have you looked into using .loc files? It might would be easier to create a script to write a .loc file using the subsystem or entire bus system, then attempt to grow out the sld. This is really only useful if you are working with a system where you have access to geographic information, such as GPS coordinates, or even relative coordinates. Just an idea.

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Generating a .loc file is certainly one idea. So far the project hasn't considered how to get the information back into PSSE, just focusing on how to automatically lay out buses sensibly. Lots of people (most) won't have access to geo information in the correct format, is loc still useful?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW ( 2013-04-26 01:00:33 -0600 )edit

Hi, Is there an example of usage of the loc file, I created it, but it is not really repositioning my buses on the sld diagram, even after updating. Regards Caswell

Caswell gravatar imageCaswell ( 2021-03-08 01:28:23 -0600 )edit

answered 2013-04-28 00:04:42 -0600

The Bull gravatar image

Hi whitely i have tried installing NETWORKX 1.2 for psse 32 but when installed through cmd.exe in windows , windows downloads NETWORX 1.7 and ends up declaring that NETWORKX 1.7 version is not compatible with python 25 .PLEASE help me in this regard

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Try installing this file: by placing it in `c:/python25/Lib/site-packages/` folder

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW ( 2013-05-04 20:03:45 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-01-21 16:54:13 -0600

Seen: 3,251 times

Last updated: Apr 28 '13