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Take all load data from psse with python

asked May 3 '0

thanhnguyen gravatar image

Hi everyone, I have simulated and received a .out file on psse. Now I want to take all load data from psse with python. Could you help me how to take it? Thank you so much

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answered May 4 '0

JbFord gravatar image

You can use dyntools to extract data from .outx/out file to excel and do all your data manipulation in Python.

******** Output File Handling *************

outfile = path + r'\output_results' xlsoutput= outfile+'.xls' outfile = outfile+'.outx' xlsresult= dyntools.CHNF(outfile) dyntools.CHNF.xlsout(xlsresult, channels=[], show=False, xlsfile=xlsoutput, outfile=outfile)


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Asked: May 3 '0

Seen: 503 times

Last updated: May 03 '20