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Get buses numbers when calling tree function

asked Dec 14 '12

zeeegis gravatar image

updated Dec 14 '12

When i call psspy function tree it returns how many buses are in current islands. I also want those buses numbers. How can i do that?

Only solution i can find is to redirect progress output to file and parse those numbers from it.

So is there any more simple way to do this using psspy API.

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answered Dec 15 '12

JervisW gravatar image

There isn't a simple way as far as I know with the PSSE API. But here is how I do that currently:

  1. create a set of all in service buses
  2. call island to switch islanded buses out of service
  3. create a set of all in service buses

The difference between step 3 and step 1 is the islanded buses.

ierr, (buses,) = psspy.abusint(
                       -1,                # all buses in the case
                       flag=1,            # in service buses
original = set(buses)


ierr, (buses,) = psspy.abusint(-1, flag=1, string=["NUMBER"])
afterisland = set(buses)

print original - afterisland

you could put all of that into a function called islanded_buses. Unfortunately this is a destructive action, in that it actually changes the state of your base case. Those islanded buses are no longer in service - which may not have been what you wanted.


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Asked: Dec 14 '12

Seen: 2,311 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '12