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When running a loadflow, from the API can I find out how many iterations it took to converge the loadflow?

asked Apr 8 '0

abacus1234 gravatar image

I use the following to do PSSe loadflow using python API:


I checked the API if i could get any information on how many iterations it took or if it converged at all. But there is no mention on the API if this is possible or not.

Does anyone know how I could get this info from the API?

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answered Apr 8 '0

perolofl gravatar image

The solution can be checked with the following APIs:

iterat: returns the number of iterations.

solved: returns the result of the last solution. E.g. solved, blown up, iteration limit, etc.

sysmsm: returns the total system MVA mismatch.


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Asked: Apr 8 '0

Seen: 1,123 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '20