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Where can i find the different functions that I can use to export data from PSSE to excel?

asked Mar 6 '0

aldrin gravatar image

Hello, I watched the video about exporting data from PSSE to excel. Where can I find the different functions that I can use to export not just the bus numbers and voltage? Thanks.

3 answers

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answered Mar 11 '0

jfconroy gravatar image

"The pssexcel module provides Python functions to export PSS ®E data or solution results to Excel spreadsheets."

"The excelpy module provides Python functions to interface with Excel. Use this module to create, populate and format Excel workbooks from Python."

The pssexcel module exports results files in PSS/E format to Excel, whereas excelpy is a more "general purpose" module for exchanging data between PSS/E and Excel. I suspect that it is excelpy that you want. You could use openpyxl instead of excelpy, but I find that excelpy has all of the functionality that I want, and it is included with PSS/E so there's no need to do an additional python module installation (as with openpyxl).


answered Mar 9 '0

jconto gravatar image

updated Mar 10 '0

* print embedded module help text *

Almost all modules installed with PSSe contain embedded information. One way to print to a CMD window is:

import os,sys
import psse33
import pssexcel
print help(pssexcel)

save the above code as and run it inside a CMD window. To save it to file type: [in a CMD window]..c:..>python > pssexcel_doc.txt



You got it wrong on the last line. It shall be "print help(pssexcel)"

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 10 '0)

Corrected. Thanks perolofl.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Mar 10 '0)

answered Mar 6 '0

likethevegetable gravatar image

updated Mar 6 '0

There is a built in pssexcel module that comes with PSS/E. I prefer using the openpyxl module. It's as simple as storing what you want in a python list, opening an Excel workbook, printing your data into the cells, and saving. Unfortunately I can't find any substantial documentation of pssexcel


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Asked: Mar 6 '0

Seen: 1,071 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '20