How to choose the channel of PCC to see active power in PSS/E
Excuse me,How to choose the channel of PCC to see active power and reactive power in PSS/E?
For wind machine, you can use machine PELEC and QELEC.
e.g. 302 is the bus the wind machine is connected to. psspy.machinearraychannel([-1,2,302],r"""1""",r"""Inv1P""") psspy.machinearraychannel([-1,3,302],r"""1""",r"""Inv1Q""")
For PPC or point of connection, you should add a dummy branch with zero impedance and measure the follow of p and q in the branch.
e.g. 102 and 102 is starting and ending of dummy branch psspy.branchpandqchannel([-1,-1,-1,101,102],r"""1""",[r"""POCP""",r"""POCQ"""])
thank you!
Asked: Nov 13 '19
Seen: 339 times
Last updated: Apr 10 '20
What kind of equipment and dynamic model are you refering to?
thanks for your reply.I want to know how much active and reactive power the wind farm provides. Later I found out that I can see it by selecting the branch from the PSS / E internal channel.