My file in psse 34 close the program when I open it
Could anyone help me with this case? I´m really worried about this, when I open the file the program get closed, I don´t have problems with other files I have in this version. Any recomendation?
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Could anyone help me with this case? I´m really worried about this, when I open the file the program get closed, I don´t have problems with other files I have in this version. Any recomendation?
can you post your code? or top ten lines or so? could it be the code is asking to import a module not in your system?
Asked: 2019-10-18 10:25:16 -0600
Seen: 1,172 times
Last updated: Oct 18 '19
What file are you trying to open?
It´s a SDL file, the file is already created but when I open it, automatically the program get closed. Thanks for answering mate.
Just to be clear, do you mean a SLD, i.e., a slider diagram file?
Yes mate, it´s a diagram. Have you any idea?
I suspect it is a driver problem (again). If you're using Intel graphic card, Siemens says "Please make sure your driver version of the Intel Graphics driver is not newer than as the latest graphic drivers seem to be causing problems with slider displays". For discreets, no help
Well, I'll try your advice. If I solve the problem I'll inmediatly notice you. Again, thank you for your time.
Hello mate, if the problem still persists after installing a lower version of the intel graphic driver, what else could it be? I'll appreciate your help.
Do you think that by upgrading from PSSE 34.0.1 to 34.3 will help in something?
Siemens did recomend higher v34 versions to me, but I have also seen similar problems and they have changed how the Map Strings are returned by the APIs, without saying how to read it properly. So, I am sticking with v33.
272/5000 So, this would be a problem that I will have while using V34, instead of making more use of this tool, I will recommend to coworkers to use V33. I have read that there are many mistakes and that generates many problems. Also, I didn't find a solution to the problem.
Is there any way I can work that file in V33? Or is that impossible?
There may be compatiblity issues since Siemens says they have changed a lot in v34 for graphics. Cannot be sure without trying. You should be able to get a v33 version from them for free. You can run v34 and v33 at the same time but not two v33 minor vers. Give a try with virtualMachine if possible
Let me tell you that I opened the file in the free V34 which siemens provides from their website and it works perfect, I downloaded and I made the same installation and I don´t have any problem with the file, I copied some DLL from that version to the native V34 but actually the problem persists.
So v34 seems to solve the problem?
Yeah! But it´s PSS Explore, in which you can only work 50 buses.
Looks like Siemens can charge us for not so performing works, LOL.
It seems that is their secret haha, after all, thanks mate! Has been a pleasure.