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Method to collaborate PSS/E with Deep Learning

asked Sep 18 '19

Gary22212 gravatar image

updated Sep 20 '19

Dear All,

Thanks for coming to my question.

As we know almost all of the deep learning models in python only available in python 3.7 (64-bit), and pss/e 33 can only work with python 2.7 (32-bit), and even the newest pss/e (34 version) can only work with python 2.7 and 3.4 (32-bit). So we can find something very trick here.

Now I want to first collect the database that simulated from PSS/E to train a Prediction/Operation model using deep learning technique, then use the trained model to assist the Prediction/Operation of a power system during the simulation in pss/e. However, it seems very intractable because of the above problem.

Is there any method to do it? Thank you in advance.

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answered Sep 18 '19

acd1 gravatar image

Seems like an interesting project!

Please see the answer from drsgao in this question:

Does that work for what you're trying to do?



Hi ademuth93, thank you for your answer, it seems what I am exactly looking for. I will definitely try it, and hopefully, it can satisfy my requirements! Appreciate!

Gary22212 gravatar imageGary22212 (Sep 20 '19)

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Asked: Sep 18 '19

Seen: 531 times

Last updated: Sep 19 '19