Here is some code I use, hopefully you can leverage portions of it to save yourself some time.
def __ANSI(self, out_file_identifier, out_file_path, subsystem):
ierr, busarray = self.psspy.abusint(subsystem, 1, 'NUMBER')
if ierr: return ierr
busarray = busarray[0]
# skip rerun
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(out_file_path, '%d_ANSI_rawData_tot.txt' % out_file_identifier)):
ierr = self.psspy.report_output(2, os.path.join(out_file_path,
'%d_ANSI_rawData_tot.txt' % out_file_identifier))
if ierr: return ierr
vltary = [1.05 for x in busarray if x]
cptary = [0.033 for x in busarray if x]
# total current
ierr = self.psspy.ansi_2([0, 0, 0, 5, 0], [40, 80, 40, 80], len(busarray), busarray, vltary, cptary, '')
if ierr > 0:
self.log('ERROR PERFORMING ANSI %s - Error code %s' % (out_file_identifier, ierr), 'error')
ierr = self.psspy.report_output(2, os.path.join(out_file_path,
'%d_ANSI_rawData_sym.txt' % out_file_identifier))
if ierr: return ierr
vltary = [1.05 for x in busarray if x]
cptary = [0.033 for x in busarray if x]
# symmetric current
ierr = self.psspy.ansi_2([0, 0, 0, 5, 1], [40, 80, 40, 80], len(busarray), busarray, vltary, cptary, '')
if ierr > 0:
self.log('ERROR PERFORMING ANSI %s - Error code %s' % (out_file_identifier, ierr), 'error')
self.log('skipping %d_ANSI_rawData_tot.txt' % out_file_identifier)
def RunANSI_study(self):
self.log('Beginning ANSI portion of study...')
# trim tp specific to those in study
TP_specific_areas = list(set(int(x.area) for x in self.ansi_param))
# create a default subsystem
self.createSubsystemOfAreas(self.areas, sid=0)
# find all buses in default subsystem
study_buses = self.returnBusesInSubsystem(sid=0, in_service_only=False, bus_property='Number')
# make list of buses manageable size for PSS/E report window
self.log(' Segmenting %d study buses.' % len(study_buses))
study_buses = self.splitter(study_buses, chunk=100)
# loop thru lists of buses, create subsystems, and perform ANSI on them
self.log(' Created %d segments of size %d.' % (len(study_buses), len(study_buses[0])))
for i, segment_of_study_buses in enumerate(study_buses, 1):
self.createSubsystemOfBuses(segment_of_study_buses, 0)
self.log(' Running default ANSI for segment %d' % i)
self.__ANSI(i, self.report_dir, 0)
self.log('ANSI study complete.')
def processANSIresults(self, workbook, folder):
:param workbook: Workbook to add results.
:param folder: Location of psse reports.
:return: Workbook with results included.
if not hasattr(self, 'psspy'):
ansi_results_sym, ansi_results_tot, ansi_tpspec = self.__compileANSIresults(folder)
workbook = self.__writeANSIresults(workbook, ansi_results_sym, 'Default-ANSI-Symm Curr Basis')
workbook = self.__writeANSIresults(workbook, ansi_results_tot, 'Default-ANSI-Total Curr Basis')
if ansi_tpspec:
workbook = self.__writeANSIresults(workbook, ansi_tpspec, 'TP-Criteria ANSI')
return workbook
def __compileANSIresults(self, folder):
""" Parses a folder and build ANSI results from PSSE ANSI report txt files."""
# get list of report filepaths
list_of_ansi_reports = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*ANSI_rawData*.txt'))
self.log('Read in %d ANSI report files.' % len(list_of_ansi_reports))
list_of_ansi_reports_sym = [x for x in list_of_ansi_reports if 'sym' in os.path.basename(x)]
list_of_ansi_reports_tot = [x for x in list_of_ansi_reports if 'tot' in os.path.basename(x)]
list_of_ansi_reports_tp = [x for x in list_of_ansi_reports if 'TPSPEC' in os.path.basename(x)]
# file in memory
data = []
for report in list_of_ansi_reports_sym:
data_file = open(report, 'rU')
# parse ...