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asked Apr 2 '19

psseboy gravatar image

The user-defined of PSS/E 33 in my PC can not running ,and i have reinstall the python many times but no effect,whose can help me?

2 answers

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answered Apr 3 '19

perolofl gravatar image

It is not clear if you are referring to:

  1. User-defined routines for IPLAN
  2. User-defined Module for RAS Simulation
  3. User-written activity
  4. User-written dynamic model


@perolofl Hi, perologt, could you help me? I have a question that how to get the initial value of the STATE(K)? for example the PI block and the G/(1+ST) block? Thank you.

Gloria.Z gravatar imageGloria.Z (Apr 22 '19)

answered Apr 2 '19

jconto gravatar image

updated Apr 9 '19

What kind of errors does PSSe issue?

Phyton comes with PSSe so there is no need to "install it".

If the user-defined model is in *.dll format, there is no need to compile it, otherwise a Fortran compiler is required.

To test that your PSSe setup is OK to create UDMs, search for "User defined models" in the forum and then download the data set to simulate an exciter UDM (example from chapter "Model Writing", in POM manual).



The issue that when i create the *.dll file model ,it link failure every time

psseboy gravatar imagepsseboy (Apr 3 '19)

So you have a Fortran compiler, right? can you describe the step that you follow to create a *.dll file? run the tool "Create User DLL" in the PSSe folder. Check the window in the background listing the paths of psse, intel fortran and visual studio. Post the error message.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Apr 3 '19)

Dear Mr jconto,i do have Fortran compiler, but i just starting to learn user-defined,so i find a file that written by anyone and it can create the *.dll file successfully, but it always link failure in my PC, a training staff in greater China of the PTI told me reinstall the python but no effect.

psseboy gravatar imagepsseboy (Apr 8 '19)

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Asked: Apr 2 '19

Seen: 854 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '19