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Compile PSSE 32

asked 2019-02-19 08:21:47 -0600

Norte gravatar image

updated 2019-02-19 18:49:28 -0600

jconto gravatar image

Traducir del inglés I am taking my first steps in the compilation of user models in PSS / E 32.

I need to check if the file code compilar.bat is correct

FLECS32 "C: \ Users \ Juan \ Desktop \ Dynamic \ CC.flx" -L NO -F PSS001.FOR -W 132 -F77
IFORT / nologo / Od / Oy- / assume: buffered_io / traceback / libs: dll / threads / c / Qip ^
      / extend_source: 132 / noaltparam / fpscomp: logicals / warn: nodeclarations ^
      / warn: unused / warn: truncated_source / Qauto / Op / iface: cvf / define: DLLI ^
      / include: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PTI \ PSSE32 \ PSSLIB" ^
      /object:"CONEC.OBJ "^
FLECS32 "C: \ Users \ Juan \ Desktop \ Dynamic \ CT.flx" -L NO -F PSS001.FOR -W 132 -F77
IFORT / nologo / Od / Oy- / assume: buffered_io / traceback / libs: dll / threads / c / Qip ^
      / extend_source: 132 / noaltparam / fpscomp: logicals / warn: nodeclarations ^
      / warn: unused / warn: truncated_source / Qauto / Op / iface: cvf / define: DLLI ^
      / include: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PTI \ PSSE32 \ PSSLIB" ^
      /object:"CONET.OBJ "^
IF "% 1" == "" GOTO SKIP
@REM ---------------- CUT HERE ----------------
FLECS32 "% 1" -L NO -F "% 1.F" -W 132 -F77
IFORT / nologo / Od / Oy- / assume: buffered_io / traceback / libs: dll / threads / c / Qip ^
      / extend_source: 132 / noaltparam / fpscomp: logicals / warn: nodeclarations ^
      / warn: unused / warn: truncated_source / Qauto / Op / iface: cvf / define: DLLI ^
      / include: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PTI \ PSSE32 \ PSSLIB" ^
      /object:"%1.OBJ "^
      "% 1.F"
@REM ---------------- CUT HERE ----------------
@ECHO If no errors, run "cload4" example.lib

Thank you

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2 answers

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answered 2019-03-06 10:25:42 -0600

jconto gravatar image

Agree with jfconroy. A minor change if you want to run the above batch file,

change :



del PSS001.FOR

or just comment it, to keep a copy of the translated fortran code, as: rem PSS001.FOR

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answered 2019-03-06 08:09:01 -0600

jfconroy gravatar image

There should be no need to modify the contents of the "compile.bat" (or "compilar.bat") file that is automatically generated by PSS/E as part of the DRYE function. If you are getting compile errors then these errors are in the Fortran code of your user-defined model.

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Asked: 2019-02-19 08:21:47 -0600

Seen: 379 times

Last updated: Mar 06 '19