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Having difficulty getting a int data from powerflow file

asked 2018-10-21 06:52:57 -0600

newbee123 gravatar image

Dear fellow researchers,

I've been writing a code to search through a list of bus numbers and see if there are any fixed shunts in the list.

While I was working on it, it seems like psspy.fxsint function is not working well.

ierr,ival = psspy.fxsint(busnum)

ierr,ival = psspy.fxsint(busnum,'1')

Whenevery I try this one, it only returns (2,None) when I already know there are fixed shunts in the list!

Have you guys ever used this function?

Thank you.

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answered 2018-10-21 08:51:21 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

The correct syntax is:

ierr,ival = psspy.fxsint(busnum,'1','STATUS')
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It seems like it's working! Thank you very much!!

newbee123 gravatar imagenewbee123 ( 2018-10-24 22:42:54 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-10-21 06:52:57 -0600

Seen: 467 times

Last updated: Oct 21 '18