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how to ger sequence data with (.raw and .dyr) use psse

asked Oct 21 '18

Gloria.Z gravatar image

updated Oct 21 '18

Dear guys,

1.when there is only the .raw and .dyr files, how to get the sequence data? for example the savnw.raw and the savnw.dyr of the PSSe example.

  1. dynamic stability analysis how to output the short circuit current during the dynamic simulaiton? use the .raw and .dyr of the case I built to do the dynamic simulation. and apply the bus fault for severl cycles then clear the fault. then I want to get the short circuit current during the dynamic process. but I could not see the short current or the current channel on the "Channel Setup Wizard",there are only Angle,Pele… .

  2. steady state analysis use the IEC module and KBDY on PSSe GUI.

What do you think about it. Is that right? Could you tell me how to do this on PSSe and give me a video(or make a .py or .idv file to me )?

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answered Oct 21 '18

perolofl gravatar image

Sequence data are in file savnw.seq and in file savnw.sav.



@perolofl Thank you. I know the PSSe EXAMPLE "savnw.seq"and "savnw.sav". If we have the test.raw,we can use PSSe for power flow solution then get the test.sav. or we can save as the test.seq file? Is that right?

Gloria.Z gravatar imageGloria.Z (Oct 21 '18)

You can only save a .seq file if sequence data are present in the saved case.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 21 '18)

Sorry, What I want to know is how to get the sequence data. When I have the only files are .raw and .dyr. Could you give me your email address?(I want to learn more form you. My dear.) Thanks you!

Gloria.Z gravatar imageGloria.Z (Oct 21 '18)

@perolofl When I use the .raw file to save as .seq file, there is the error: Messages for api RWSQ_2 No sequence data in memory (005189)

Gloria.Z gravatar imageGloria.Z (Oct 21 '18)

A raw file doesn't contain sequence data. You need to add sequence data in order to calculate unbalanced faults in PSSE, e.g. line-to-ground faults or phase-to-phase faults.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 21 '18)

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Asked: Oct 21 '18

Seen: 2,120 times

Last updated: Oct 21 '18