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Request, Online Tap Changer Example

asked Sep 14 '18

haveityourwa gravatar image

Hey Guys, I was wondering if someone had an example of how the OLTC1T works. This is what I have entered into a dyr file.

108,'OLTC1T', 107 ,  1,20,0,2.5/

From what I understand from the documentation this will control the transformer from bus 108 to 107. This will have a CID of 1 and from page 814 in the models.pdf it will have a time delay of 20, a time constant of 0 and a subsequent time before tap signals is sent of 2.5.

However I am not sure what voltage it is controlling to?

Also I am unsure as to what these delays actually mean.

Ultimately I would like to use this model in order to change the tap every timestep (I know this may sound silly) after a certain period of time.

Any Help would be appreciated. Cheers

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answered Sep 14 '18

perolofl gravatar image

The control data are the same as in load flow. I.e. Controlled bus, vmax, vmin, step etc.

The dynamic model will change the tap position after a time delay whenever the voltage goes outside the voltage dead-band defined in load flow. First time it will take 20 s and thereafter 2.5 s/step.



Thanks, I thought this was the case, but have been unable to get this to work in practice. I guess I will continue trying. Thanks for the clarification on the delays.

haveityourwa gravatar imagehaveityourwa (Sep 14 '18)

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Asked: Sep 14 '18

Seen: 1,673 times

Last updated: Sep 14 '18