Display report of branch with phyton
How can display a report in PSSE only selecting the any branches that I want wiht MW or MVR? for example if a bus connecting five branches I want to show me only two
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How can display a report in PSSE only selecting the any branches that I want wiht MW or MVR? for example if a bus connecting five branches I want to show me only two
I am doing branch reports with python. Have written functions that retrieve information about branch, and later just construct report the way I like, e.g.:
def GetBranchMVA(bus1,bus2,id):
e, mva = psspy.brnmsc(bus1,bus2,id,"MVA")
if e==0:
return mva
return 0
for i in range(l_branches):
s=str(i+1)+". "+str(branches[i][0])+"-"+str(branches[i][1])+"-"+str(branches[i][2])+" "+str(round(mva,2))+" MVA"+"\n"
Looks like a great way to display the branch information just the way you like it. For those interested the output looks like this (correct me if I'm wrong @rimux): 1. 6704-6886-1 5.23 MVA 2. 6740-6885-1 7.48 MVA
yes thats right :) Actually, I have little wider output, including bus names as well (have to have another function - def GetBusName(busnr)) and make report like that: 6704-6886-1 name1-name2 5.23 MVA
Asked: Sep 8 '12
Seen: 566 times
Last updated: Oct 03 '12
Can you please clarify your question. Are you wanting to select, for example, all branches with a flow between 100 and 150 MW?
for example if a bus connecting five branches I want to show me only two.
On what criteria would choose which two branches to select?
@Juan do you mean that you want to click on the branches to select them?