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User models PSSE fortran

asked 2018-07-29 14:47:12 -0500

ing_psspy gravatar image

I dont know why in the Program Operation Manual of PSSE, in the chapter Model Writing, in the example of a simple excitation system:

STATE(K) = Esensed STATE(K+1) = E

are obtenided of the diagram block, but in the subroutine of the MODE 1 in de FORTRAN CODE the states are:


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answered 2018-08-17 05:36:37 -0500

perolofl gravatar image

The initialisation is done on the basis of known model input and output values. Varibles EFD and ECOMP are initialised by the generator model prior to entering the excitation model.

ECOMP is an input signal and STATE(K) must have the same value at steady state. Hence STATE(K) = ECOMP(I).

EFD is the output from the model. In MODE 1 you have to calculate backwards from out signal into the model.The preceding state, STATE(K+1), must thefore be initialised to the output value. Hence STATE(K+1) = EFD(I).

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Asked: 2018-07-29 14:47:12 -0500

Seen: 323 times

Last updated: Aug 17 '18