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Sending ACCC_Single_Run_Report_4 report in output bar to file using Python

asked Jul 3 '18

paulTheEngineer gravatar image

Hey, When you manually run ACCC using the GUI and press Go a report is generated in the output bar with the tab title "ACCCSingleRunReport4". I was trying to use Python to send this exact report to a file but could not find the right command. There are some other ACCC commands that generate other reports but not the one generated in the output bar. Would like to know what command/s is/are used to do this, Thanks, Paul

3 answers

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answered Jul 13 '18

TheBard gravatar image

updated Jul 13 '18

I'll just put my answer in a separate message here.


Try that, but put it before the report is generated (psspy.acccsinglerunreport4(....).

It looks like you have to tell it where to output before running the report. It took me awhile to see that.

If you want to do a second file with a second report then just do psspy.report_output(2,"report5.txt",[0,0]) and run the next report.


answered Jul 13 '18

paulTheEngineer gravatar image

Thanks for the anwer.

First of all is there any way to programmatically change the I/O Control above. When I manually change them I can change the stream to a particular file.

Unfortunately when I try to use: ierr = psspy.report_output(2, outputFile, [0,1]) (I've also tried [1,1] and [2,1]) it's still not changing the output to go to outputFile.



psspy.report_output(2,"report4.txt",[0,0]) Try that, but put it before the report is generated (psspy.accc_single_run_report_4). I think you have to tell it where to output before running the report. It took me awhile to see that.

TheBard gravatar imageTheBard (Jul 13 '18)

answered Jul 4 '18

perolofl gravatar image

Use activity OPEN (I/O Control - Direct Report output) to change the output device to a file. Record the change of output device in a Python script and you will see that API report_output is used in Python.


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Asked: Jul 3 '18

Seen: 462 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '18