Integration of wind generation in Nordic-32 system
While integrating wind generation by extending the bus results in many of the generating units reaching their reactive limit, after power flow codes of generators changed to -2. Can anyone guide me in this? Without integration load flow is running fine. I want to do the dynamic study by integrating the renewables and storage in the system.
Can you solve the load flow after adding the wind generation?
Yes, I am able to run load flow resulted in some mismatch at some far bus from the place where wind is integrated.
When I am integrating 20% wind generation connecting the machines at buses where neither machine nor load is connected earlier. All machine code goes to -2 after load flow. After this, I am not able to go for dynamic analysis as while going for switching studies pss/e stopped working.
Do you mean that all wind nodes go to code -2 or all machine nodes in the system?
more than 50% of machines including wind is going to -2. 1/3 wind unit is reaching this limit. Just want to know which parameter needs to be modified to get the desired outcome. When I am changing an angle and voltage PU of the buses whr Wind is connected, there occurs some change in power mismatch.