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What does it mean PSSE blow up?

asked Aug 16 '12

anderss gravatar image

PSSE reports that the case has blown up. I have an understanding that this means I have entered incorrect data.

I have few questions:

  • How to stop the case blowing up
  • What are the signals that the case will blow up
  • How do you fix the case after it blown up?
  • Why does the case blow up actually?

If you were wondering it happend after I ran fnsl command in PSSE version 32.


I'd agree with @waltterval that there are lots of reasons other than incorrect data

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Aug 20 '12)

2 answers

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answered Oct 11 '12

EBC gravatar image

PSS/E power flow blows up, more often, because of a large phase angle difference between two buses which is seen to be a large power flow by the program.

Example, you added a new bus and connected it to an existing bus. The existing bus would have a phase angle calculated by the program but the new bus would have a default of zero phase angle, if you did not change it. Thus when power flow is called, the program sees this as a large mismatch and can't converge the solution.

So, when adding new buses, see to it that you change the phase angle equal to the phase angle of the bus where you connect it.

Also, the program will provide hints where the solution when berserk thus its good to look at the progress window.

In the US, different Transmission Owners would use different solution parameters (PAR adjustment, transformer tap/shunt compensation adjustment, interchange power flow control, FNSL or FDNS) thus when the power flow exchanged hands, it is a must that you know what are the solution options if not, the solution blows up when the right options are not applied.


answered Aug 16 '12

waltterval gravatar image

updated Aug 20 '12

That could be or not for incorrect data. Blown up is relationed with the change in Deltavmag / vmag between iterations.

Before you run FNSL you must check:

  1. MW dispatched on machines
  2. VSched onplants
  3. Status of shunts

Then run FNSL with Flat start

If blow up persist try:

  1. Ignore reactive limit
  2. Block tap changer
  3. Block switched shunt
  4. Use other solution algorithm

I don't have a code to do the chek, but I think the following one is a good start

psspy.geol(0, 1, 1)
psspy.gens(0, 1, 2, 0)
psspy.tlst(0, 1, 1, 0)
#switched shunts
ierr, iarray = psspy.aswshint(sid = -1, flag = 2, string = ['NUMBER', 'STATUS'])
print iarray


Those are some good checks. What would the code look like. Do you have an example, or do you check manually?

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Aug 20 '12)

@JervisW I updated my answer

waltterval gravatar imagewaltterval (Aug 20 '12)

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Asked: Aug 16 '12

Seen: 3,730 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '12