I need raw and dyr file for IEEE-59 bus or IEEEE-39 bus for PSS/E version34. Can any one help me with that?
Please provide me the link from where I can download bus data for PSS/E 34 version
Thanks Sazzad
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Asked: Apr 24 '18
Seen: 1,897 times
Last updated: Apr 24 '18
For IEEE-39 bus system(New England IEEE 39-Bus System) data you can open [this](https://electricgrids.engr.tamu.edu/electric-grid-test-cases/new-england-ieee-39-bus-system/), there are raw data and dyr data.
You can see the "Case List" on the right side of the page, and you can find other test system data, including the IEEE-57 (but not IEEE-59 system data). But all IEEE data contains only raw file and Power World software format file, no dyr file.
By the way, after I use PSSE 34.0 to run 39-bus system dynamic simulation, opening out file will cause software to crash. If you succeed in simulation, let me know.