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relay connection table full - use pack line relay model tables function (003214)

asked Feb 21 '18

Soumya gravatar image

I am trying to execute a dynamic simulation on a 7 bus simple network. After updating the machine data, when I am adding the parameters in distance relay model, I am getting an error stating "relay connection table full - use pack line relay model tables function (003214)". I am unable to fix the issue.

Note that the .sav file works well for power flow solution and steady state analysis.


Which version of PSSE are you using? How many distance relay models have you?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Feb 21 '18)

I am using the free version. I have only 5 branches in my network and intend to add 2 distance relays for each of these branches (thus total of 10). I am getting this error while entering data for the very first relay.

Soumya gravatar imageSoumya (Feb 22 '18)

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answered Feb 22 '18

perolofl gravatar image

It seems like the free version doesn't allow line relay models. Use activity SIZE (File - Filen information - List the number of system components) to see the maximum allowed line relay models.



This makes sense! By SIZE, I get to know that the maximum relay connection allowed for the free version is only one, which is why I was getting the error. Do you know any python or matlab function/tool which can provide the algorithm of a simple distance relaying? It would be of great help..

Soumya gravatar imageSoumya (Feb 22 '18)

What is the reason for using distance relay models in the simulation? Normally there is no need for modelling of line relay protection. What kind of disturbance are you studying?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Feb 22 '18)

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Asked: Feb 21 '18

Seen: 230 times

Last updated: Feb 22 '18