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Automated Simulation for System Losses

asked Jan 10 '18

Miami_Engineer gravatar image

I am looking to develop a code/script that would allow me to enter an array of load for a generating unit (ex 0 MW to 25 MW in 0.1 MW increments) and solve the system losses for specified buses instead of having to manually enter and solve for each load input at the generator. Additionally, I am using PSSE version 34.

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answered Jan 11 '18

perolofl gravatar image
  1. Record a python script while doing the data change and solving manually in PSS/E.

  2. Enter a for loop with numpy.arange to vary pgen.

  3. Look for a suitable API in the manual to return the wanted losses.

  4. Print pgen and losses in report window with or store the results in lists for plotting with matplotlib.



Thanks for the feed back. Following your advice i was able to start a script using the record function, but I have no idea how to set up a forloop using the numpy.arage command. Once I determine an API to return losses, how can I take all of that data and export to excel?

Miami_Engineer gravatar imageMiami_Engineer (Jan 11 '18)

numpy.arange([start, ]stop, [step, ]dtype=None) in your case nump.arange(0,25,0.1) looks like this returns an array, you'd loop thru the values in the array for load in array: run the recorded stuff and store losses np.savetxt('test.csv', first_layer_output, delimiter=',', fmt='%s')

nelak gravatar imagenelak (Jan 17 '18)

Thanks for help. I am way over my head at the moment. LOL I will be taking a SIEMENS training course on Python/PSSE in May, so hopefully I'll learn enough to make sense of this.

Miami_Engineer gravatar imageMiami_Engineer (Apr 9 '18)

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Asked: Jan 10 '18

Seen: 917 times

Last updated: Jan 11 '18