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How to do dynamic simulation to test the transient stability of power system?

asked Jul 30 '17

EEE1993 gravatar image

I'm very new to PSS\E and I want to do dynamic simulation to test the transient stability of power system. Can you please help me on how to get started? And how can I use built in models for generators, PV and wind farms? Thank you very much for your time

5 answers

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answered Aug 2 '17

SC gravatar image

I suggest to watch this video as a start To understand and get familiar with PSS/E and how to run dynamic simulation with build-in models will be next steps, it requires some time.


answered Sep 27 '17

Hello there. The following video gives a very good overview of a PSS/E stability study using the GUI. You can run everything through Python, the steps are the same. You "just" need to figure out the Pyhton commands using the PSS/E API guide.


answered Aug 12 '17

Faraz gravatar image

updated Aug 12 '17

jconto gravatar image

That's a great question. unfortunately, there is no step by step guide out there. Why not we create one here.

Lets start with a draft and then others can review and update it:

Load Sav file
Power flow
1.  Convert Generator
2.  Order network for matrix
3.  Factorize admittance
4.  Solution for switching studies
Load Dynamic file
subsystem Channel selection
Dynamic simulation option
   network frequency dependence
   set relative machine angle
Save snapshot Snp
Open the Snp
Perform dynamic simulation
   output file
Add event study in Dynamic Tree, specify time
   Add event item
   select event type 
   select bus
   fault admitance X -2e10
Right Click on event study
Run Dynamic

answered Aug 10 '17

jconto gravatar image

You can practice dynamics on small systems like the IEEE 9 bus system or PTI's savnw. I have put complete dynamic data sets that you can download for use in PSSe v.33 from [copy the link into your browser if it does not connect when clicking on it]:JConto_google drive

Once you select “Dynamics Networks 4 PSSe\”, an icon on the top-center screen will perform the download.

Once downloaded & unzipped, you can run the idvs to execute a dynamic run.


answered Aug 3 '17

lmcqueen gravatar image

To do basic dynamic simulation you need to acquire the following concepts: 1. Basic Synchronous Machine Theory 2. PSS/E Dynamic Simulation Process, activities, commands, etc. 3. Planning/Operation Criteria of the power system 4. Interpretation of contingencies (based on the criteria) in PSS/E.

To achieve the knowledge in (1) you may refer to the programs manual/application guide. For (2), and (3) Kundur has an excellent discussion of sample criteria in his book. Hope this helps.

Advanced knowledge of dynamic simulation process includes: Understanding the dynamics and operation of controls such as governors, exciters, power system stabilizers, etc.

When doing transient stability simulations, obtaining the skill does not necessarily relies on software alone. It involves the power system dynamics and stability knowledge and a critical thinking attitude to solve any problems.



Yes, it is.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Aug 8 '17)

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Asked: Jul 30 '17

Seen: 12,143 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '17