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How to install modules in PSSEXplore34

asked Jul 11 '17

GAIRE gravatar image

I am working to export the results of QV curves to excel. I tried to do with GUI and got the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\", line 162, in <module> File ".\", line 40, in <module> ImportError: No module named excelpy Error in importing pssarrays, pssexcel modules

I also checked the installed modules and found that modules excelexport, pssexcel, wordpy, pssarrays and psse34 are not correctly installed in my PC. I also tried by reinstalling the software and got the same problem.

Please suggest me methods to correctly install these modules with PSSEXplore34.

2 answers

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answered Jul 11 '17

jconto gravatar image

Check other similar posting by searching on the keyword 'PSSEXplore34'. It seems that the module "excelpy.pyc" [being called by 'pssexcel.pyc'] is not installed in PSSEXplore34. If that is your case, let me know so I can email you such file.



Yes, excelpy is not installed in PSSEXplore34. So please can you email me the file and any procedure I need to follow at Thank you for your prompt response

GAIRE gravatar imageGAIRE (Jul 12 '17)

Any chance I can get that file too? I can't believe it's not included in a clean installation.

noaust gravatar imagenoaust (Jul 14 '17)

I haver the same problem, coud anyones send me the module "excelpy.pyc"? Thanks.

lucas22lopez gravatar imagelucas22lopez (Apr 4 '19)

can i get the file as well please?

KAL gravatar imageKAL (Nov 20 '19)

I haver the same problem.

ARTUP gravatar imageARTUP (Nov 22 '19)

answered Jan 2 '18

ab gravatar image

I also have similar error. How can install excel module in PSSEXplore34?


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Asked: Jul 11 '17

Seen: 1,222 times

Last updated: Jan 02 '18