How to copy network data?
How do I copy the complete network data from a particular zone in NETA.sav to NETB.sav?
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I remember using RAWD
in the past. Here is how you might do this:'NETA.sav')
export_zones = [1]
psspy.bsys(sid=1, numzone=len(export_zones), zones=export_zones)
status7=2, # create a RDCH file
out=0, # redirect to file
That should create your "Power Flow Change Raw Data" file. The next main step is to read it in for NETB.sav'NETB.sav')
I'm not sure what other problems will pop up. Here is a couple you might need to watch for:
I am new in PSSE for Python. My question is... after reading the .raw file with RDCH, then what? How to print this information? Is this information stored in memory, I guess, so how to access to the information we have just read?
You'll have more success asking a new question rather than posting your question as an answer to someone else's question. Regardless, once you've used RDCH, the network will be in memory. You could save it as a separate SAV file for later (using save()).
Thank you!
Asked: Jun 30 '12
Seen: 2,040 times
Last updated: Dec 09 '22
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You could create a "Power Flow Change Raw Data File" containing just the section from that particular zone. I can't see how to make one with the API - do you know how?
@JervisW I can't see how to do this with the API either. After a lot of reading and experimenting I found that the easiest way is to do it is through the PSSE GUI.
@amaity yes, I think the GUI would be quicker. It isn't often that we need to transfer data. Would the RAWD method work?