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CSV Reader

asked Jun 20 '12

Don gravatar image

updated Jun 20 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I have been playing with the csv.reader module in reading a column in the following format.


However, I end up with getting an extra-bracket which I don’t want

[ ( filename1’,

Just wondering whether you want to suggest me a pythonic way of getting rid of the “ ( “ and “ )”


Good question

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Jun 21 '12)

Can you share a bit more information? returns a list of values each row like [col1, col2, col3]. I'm not sure how you're getting [ (col1, col2, col3) ]

chip gravatar imagechip (Jun 21 '12)

@chip. If you do something like list(reader) it will create a list of tuples, rather than returning a single row. I suspect that is what is going on here.

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (Jun 26 '12)

1 answer

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answered Jun 26 '12

Daniel_Hillier gravatar image

Your list has a tuple as its first element. To grab the tuple, just you need to get the 0-th element from the list:

>>> data = [(‘filename1’,
...         filename2’, 
...          ...)]
>>> filenames = data[0]
>>> print filenames

As tuples can't be altered once they have been created, if you want to change the data in the tuple, you will need to convert it to a list first:

>>> filenames = list(filenames)
>>> print filenames

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Asked: Jun 20 '12

Seen: 519 times

Last updated: Jun 26 '12