Ask for excelpy module (psse v34)
I can't find excelpy module on my computer, could anyone just offer me with this module to download? I'm in bad need for this module, and great thanks to any help!
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I can't find excelpy module on my computer, could anyone just offer me with this module to download? I'm in bad need for this module, and great thanks to any help!
Thank you so much for your help! Here's my e-mail number:
Hey Eve~ are you still here :)
Hallo Is it useable with python2.7 ? If yes, could you send me please because I cant download it. Literally it isnt compatibel with my python. I found pssexcel.pyc in folder but it contains excelpy is it possible? Thank you
Can someone email it to me as well?
Asked: Apr 1 '17
Seen: 508 times
Last updated: Apr 04 '17