I need model wind turbine in PSSE. Can you help me, please?
I really need it
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Hey there!
You have a bunch of models available for modelling wind machines which can be found here at PSSE Documentation > Program Application Guide (PAG) Volume 2 (or PAGV2 for short); Chapter 22.
Also, you can visit the following links for having an idea of default parameter values for common wind plant .dyr models:
WT1 - Type 1 Generic Wind Model: https://www.esig.energy/wiki-main-pag...
WT2 - Type 2 Generic Wind Model: https://www.esig.energy/wiki-main-pag...
WT3 - Type 3 Generic Wind Model: https://www.esig.energy/wiki-main-pag...
Hope that helps!
Hi melia4. Can you provide any additional information on the wind turbine you need to model? Information such as the type, size, manufacturer, and type of simulations the model needs to be used for would be helpful.
Siemens PTI works with some wind farm manufacturers on model development. You can request manufacturer specific models from Siemens PTI website link below. https://w3.usa.siemens.com/smartgrid/...
IF you are looking for a more generic model you can find some generic model data for wind turbines in Chapter 22 of the PSSE 33.9 Program Application Guide Volume II that should come with your PSSE install.
Additionally, depending on what jurisdiction you are in some groups such as the WECC have some guidelines available for modelling wind turbines available that can be helpful. http://renew-ne.org/wp-content/upload... https://www.wecc.biz/Reliability/WECC...
The IEEE also has some technical paper compendium PES-TPC3 that can also provide some insight into modelling wind turbines and their collector systems. If you are a PES member I think it is free to download. http://resourcecenter.ieee-pes.org/pe...
Asked: Mar 9 '17
Seen: 2,980 times
Last updated: Aug 18 '19
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