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Weather in PV analyis,is it possible for practical grid to have voltage almost near to 1pu?

asked Feb 23 '17

vicky gravatar image

I am doing a project on a local power grid ,when i perform pv analysis the result is almost flat.does that mean i have problem with my data or the system has very high voltage stablity.(the increment was done till 1000MW).Thanks in advance

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answered Mar 3 '17

vicky gravatar image

hi fluces, I have run contingency analysis(ACCC).At first ,I randomly selected the contingencies for PV analysis.After your suggestion I tried after ranking contingencies but still that didn't make much difference.(the ranking was done based on manually calculated Performance Index for power and voltage)

Is there direct tool in PSS/E 33 for contingency ranking?



Not yet explored.because I do pv analysis in a different software, but what you did is correct. What's your settings in psse for pv run? Try to run it based on dfax gen and load for source and sink respectively. Make the test level up to 5000 MW, incrementing by 100 or 500 MW with 50 Mw as tol.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Mar 3 '17)

answered Feb 25 '17

lmcqueen gravatar image

Did you run contingency analysis first? For a large power system, a contingency ranking is first applied before executing PV analysis. The idea is that the most limiting contingencies are only tested for PV analysis and excluding other less severe contingencies.

In the contingency ranking, did you check the bus voltages?



hi fluces, I have run contingency analysis(ACCC).At first ,I randomly selected the contingencies for PV analysis.After your suggestion I tried after ranking contingencies but still that didn't make much difference.(the ranking was done based on manually calculated Performance Index for power and vol

vicky gravatar imagevicky (Mar 3 '17)

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Asked: Feb 23 '17

Seen: 672 times

Last updated: Mar 03 '17