Convert python to idv.
Hi, I want to convert a python file (.py) to .idv file, Can I do it ?
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PY to IDV conversion - Use the PSSe recording feature:
Load PSSe
Click the recording button and select to save as idv
run the py script, select first the file type as *.py
Click the stop button. The py command are translated in the idv file!
PY commands with no equivalent in IDV will be ignored.
The IDV to PY conversion is done similarly.
Thank you very much !
Is there an API to record an IDV and run a separate PY script? I have multiple PY files that make various changes to my case, and I would like to convert each of them to IDV. It would be a whole lot easier to write a script to convert all of these, rather than manually converting each.
I've found an API for PSEB and PSAS, which convert PSEB and PSAS files to idv, but can't seem to find anything for python.
Nevermind, I was able to determine a fix for my issue of running python files.
Hi Jeremy, is it possible for you to share the api to convert PSAS to idv?
Asked: Jan 6 '17
Seen: 3,816 times
Last updated: Jan 04 '18
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