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Scan feature in PSSPLT

asked Oct 19 '16

Power_System_Engineer gravatar image

I need to scan for low voltages and other identifiers - How do I automate this in python to scan the voltages and if the voltages are below say .70 then flag it as unstable?

2 answers

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answered Oct 20 '16

perolofl gravatar image

updated Nov 19 '1

PSSPLT does not support Python or Iplan. I would recommend to use module dyntools to open and read an out-file and loop through all channel in order to decide if the performed simulation was unstable or not.

The following script shows a function that returns the lowest value of all voltage channels (VOLT) in an outfile.

import dyntools

def find_lowest_voltage(outfile,channelid='VOLT'):
    """ Returns lowest value of all channels with id channelid in outfile
    chnfobj = dyntools.CHNF(outfile)
    sh_ttl, ch_id, ch_data = chnfobj.get_data()
    chanrange = chnfobj.get_range()
    lowest = 9e21
    idlen = len(channelid)
    for k in range(1,len(ch_id)):
        if ch_id.get(k)[:idlen]==channelid:
            lowest = min(chanrange[k]['min'],lowest)
    return lowest

The returned value can be used to decide on stability or not, i.e. < 0.7 in your case.

EDIT: inserted variable idlen in the script above



Thank you.

Power_System_Engineer gravatar imagePower_System_Engineer (Oct 20 '16)

This code prints out all channels available - where is the actual scan?

Power_System_Engineer gravatar imagePower_System_Engineer (Oct 20 '16)

I had forgot to remove the print statements I used for debugging. The code should now print nothing. As I wrote the code returns the lowest channel voltage. Use vmin = find_lowest_voltage('outfile.out') to store the min value in variable vmin.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 21 '16)

Hello, what channels are the script looking for? Can it be defined to search after a certain time? Where is the minimum value of tension placed? (lowest = 9e21?) What is the meaning of [: 4]?

SAE_2016 gravatar imageSAE_2016 (Nov 19 '1)

The script will scan all channels with identifiers beginning with string 'VOLT*. ch_id.get(k)[:4] returns the first four characters in channel id. Variable lowest contains the minimum voltage value.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Nov 19 '1)

answered Nov 19 '1

jconto gravatar image

updated Nov 22 '1

Search for the post "Channels - tool to process outs files" on this forum. Channels (it uses dyntools, tested on v.33+python2.7, v34+python 3.7) will scan many OUTs files to rank channels’ performance based on User’s criteria within a specified time frame.  List channels that failed the criteria, with option to plot. Criteria: scan channels for min, max violation, peak-to-peak, delta violation and UV/OV delay recovery.
Other features include plotting, channel export to xls, damping calculations. There is a readme_doc, a ppt presentation and several demos included in the zip file. For your case, run the demo chan_V_idx.ini


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Asked: Oct 19 '16

Seen: 700 times

Last updated: Nov 22 '21