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PSSPLT in python

asked 2016-10-11 07:58:27 -0600

Power_System_Engineer gravatar image

Is there a way to call up the PSSPLT module using python script? If so, what is the basic command for it? I know in cmd line, you can invoke the pssplt by using this command - call pssplt -gnikool off. I am looking for something similar using python either in the PSSE module or python IDLE.

Thank you!

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answered 2016-10-11 14:02:34 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

updated 2016-10-12 13:20:41 -0600

You can run PSSPLT with a response file from Python in the following way:

import os 
pssbindir  = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN"
os.environ['PATH'] = pssbindir + ';' + os.environ['PATH']
os.system("pssplt -inpdev test.idv")

The response file may first be written by your script before calling upon PSSPLT.

Edit: Remember to have STOP at the last line in the response file so PSSPLT GUI will be closed after execution.

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thank you!!!!!

Power_System_Engineer gravatar imagePower_System_Engineer ( 2016-10-11 16:26:59 -0600 )edit

The small script above worked great alone but when I embed it within my stability run script at the end, it is complaining that it can't locate the idv file. Any suggestions?

Power_System_Engineer gravatar imagePower_System_Engineer ( 2016-10-12 10:13:17 -0600 )edit

Does the script change the working directory?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl ( 2016-10-12 13:23:13 -0600 )edit

The stability script does change the work directory under variable work_dir. So whatever the user has for the work_dir variable as is the working directory.

Power_System_Engineer gravatar imagePower_System_Engineer ( 2016-10-12 14:34:17 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2016-10-11 07:58:27 -0600

Seen: 2,016 times

Last updated: Oct 12 '16