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When running PSS/E from python how do I prevent progress windows from popping up?

asked May 29 '12

Peter B gravatar image

updated Jun 14 '12

JervisW gravatar image

When I run PSS/E from python I get all these annoying pop-ups that come up after I press F5 in IDLE. Each of these requires I press enter to make them go away. Sometimes the pop-up just states the case name but other times it gives obscure information about dimension sizes etc and I end up pressing enter dozens of times to remove them.

How I can I prevent these from coming up in the first place?

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answered May 29 '12

JervisW gravatar image

updated May 30 '12

jtrain gravatar image

Hi Peter,

The best way to remove these pop up boxes is to redirect the output.

Near where you imported psspy:

import psspy

Import another module named redirect

import redirect

redirect is a module written by the PSSE team, and the psse2py function will send the PSSE output from pop up boxes into your Python terminal.


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Asked: May 29 '12

Seen: 2,215 times

Last updated: May 30 '12