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Run GUI with Python

asked Jul 8 '16

Lassettc gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I have an odd question pertaining to plotting in PSS/e. I know that the api module pssplot does not allow one to run functions when the GUI is not open. I would like to automate the process by having the Python script open the PSS/e GUI and pass python arguments to that instance to allow plotting to occur (without manually having to open PSS/e). The reason for this is that I'd like to complete tests and have Python automatically open the GUI and create graphs even if I'm unavailable to manually do this. It is easy to open PSS/e with Python, however I'm stuck on how to get PSS/e to recognize the following Python code to plot.


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answered Jul 11 '16

SqFKYo gravatar image

I'd recommend that since you're already running PSS/E from Python, you'd forget about the PSS/E GUI and instead use e.g. matplotlib to plot your graphs.



Hi SqFKYo, Thanks for the answer, unfortunately I think that's the only solution I could come up with. I most likely won't pursue attempting to communicate with the GUI via python.

Lassettc gravatar imageLassettc (Jul 11 '16)

Hi, does any of you guys have the code for extracting data from an output file using dyntools and then plotting using matplotlib?

Karma1 gravatar imageKarma1 (May 19 '17)

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Asked: Jul 8 '16

Seen: 1,277 times

Last updated: Jul 11 '16