DC load flow admittance matrix

asked Jun 16 '16

vikram gravatar image


I know PSSE can export admittance matrix. But that admittance matrix is not for the DC load flow. Is there any way to get the DC load flow admittance matrix from PSSE? I know i can manipulate the admittance matrix that i get to get the DC load flow matrix but i want just the admittance matrix from PSSE. Is it possible?


Same question. I have the same issue; to calculate PTDFs a DC Matrix is needed, and I can't obtain it directly from PSS/E. I achieved build both matrices, but not directly as you can do with other power system load flow software tools.

Khristopher gravatar imageKhristopher (Jun 22 '16)

@Khristopher what are the other software tools that can directly give us the dc admittance matrix?

vikram gravatar imagevikram (Jun 23 '16)

Non commercials, like MatPower or PyPower, made for researchers and educators. You can use commands like "makeBdc" which give you the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC load flow, PTDFs and LODFs can also be obtained. That would be great to know if there exist such a similar way in PSSE.

Khristopher gravatar imageKhristopher (Jun 24 '16)