PSS/e crashes

asked May 20 '16

Lassettc gravatar image

Hi everyone,

I have an odd question, I've been working with the Poland case intensively and have been running it with dynamics. I've gotten generator/governor/exciter (GENSAL/IEEEG2/IEEET1) models attached to machines. I also have TIOCR1 overcurrent line relays, 'USRLOD', 1, 'UVUFBLU1' underfrequency/undervoltage relays and FRQTPAT machine under/over frequency relays. The simulation gets to a point in which one of the TIOCR1 relays switches and begins to take a load shed action, however the load it will shed is at a bus currently at 0V. PSS/e then crashes, I know that PSS/e has the ability to detect invalid loads when shedding as I've checked in RTS-96 (another test case) by shedding load from an offline bus. I'm unsure why PSS/e is crashing rather than refusing to shed load at the bus. I have remedied it by changing the load shedding to another bus, however that is before dynamics and just confirms what I suspected. I can't just change the protection after the fact and would like to know if it is possible to implement a solution that will cause PSS/e not to crash.

Is it possible to dynamically save a snapshot of the system during the run function? I'd like to continually update it as it isn't known when the crash of the system will occur due to potentially different initial conditions.



The Poland case is 2383 buses, roughly 1800 load buses, 2900 branches, and 300 machines.

Lassettc gravatar imageLassettc (May 20 '16)