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How to change freq plots

asked 2016-05-01 11:06:00 -0600

oauer gravatar image

Hello everyone. I'm having some issues on a simple task. I did some stability simulations. trip lines, gens... Everything OK. But when I tried to plt freq, my out file has feq deviations instead of absolute values.... I mean I would like to see if my machine rises from 50 to 51HZ when I trippped a load....

I tried chapter 22 of help guide, but no light yet...

any help... I'm sure its simple, but I can't find it.

Thanks in advance. Odin

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2 answers

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answered 2016-05-08 20:15:11 -0600

oauer gravatar image

thanks Jconto for the reply I test it, It's oK. I tried to browse for math functions on pssplt. I'll try to get some extra info. Odin

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answered 2016-05-04 21:17:18 -0600

jconto gravatar image

updated 2016-05-04 21:18:56 -0600

In PSSPLT, use FUNC to apply an scaling function to the raw frequency signal before plotting [example for 60 Hz]:

59.5 60.5

In the GUI, the direct plotting implementation has a FUNC feature under Edit\Plot Attibutes but I have not used it. Outside the GUI and PSSPLT, you can export the f-channels to excel, execute a similar scaling function and then plot.

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Asked: 2016-05-01 11:06:00 -0600

Seen: 1,893 times

Last updated: May 08 '16