Running PSSE30 using python

asked 2016-01-11 20:37:41 -0500

anonymous user


I am trying to run the psse using python script provided below. However, the trace back says unable to find module psspy. The psspy.dll is present in PSSBIN. The paths are correct and I have tried many variations of the code but it doesn't work. I would really appreciate any help.

import os import sys PSSEPATH=r'C:\PROGRA~2\PTI\PSSE30\PSSBIN' sys.path.append(PSSEPATH) os.environ['PATH']=os.environ['PATH']+';'+PSSE_PATH os.chdir(r'c:\users\xxxx\desktop\python scripts') import psspy import redirect

Error message

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 7, in <module> import psspy ImportError: No module named psspy

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