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Exporting data to Excel without using Python

asked Aug 5 '15

Yasmine gravatar image

updated Aug 5 '15

Hello everyone :) Can I apply the practice the ExportingPSSEResultstoExcel instead of Python to export results (voltage and frequency, etc ..) to Excel ?

Well, if possible, I want details on ِACCC, QV, PV files? especially when I want to suppose disturbances and run dynamic simulation for suitable load shedding in system under study ! Sorry I don't see Python easy to use it in my search :( Please help and thank you all

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answered Aug 5 '15

acd1 gravatar image


Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the output format of ACCC, QV, or PV files. However, I think I can offer a suggestion that could possibly help you.

In Excel 2010's "Data" tab on the top, there is a "Text to Columns" button. If you copy the data over from your output file into an Excel file, you can click this button and select where the data should be divided into different cells. It's not always perfect, but I've found it handy in the past.


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Asked: Aug 5 '15

Seen: 2,169 times

Last updated: Aug 05 '15