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Create User dll and access it in PSS/E

asked Jun 5 '15

Jervis gravatar image

Can anyone give full information about files required to create user dll in PSS/E and there structure also. After dll creation how to access it in PSS/E told that..

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hi, but how can I select my model from model list same as for PSS/E define model?

Jervis gravatar imageJervis (Jun 8 '15)

3 answers

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answered Jul 20 '2

updated Jul 20 '2

How to create a .dll from .lib file: Open PSSE 33 installation location (right click and open file location) Open ''createusrdllw'', This app will easily create a .dll file from your original .lib file


answered Jun 6 '15

jconto gravatar image

Use the environment manager (v.7), by clicking the "create user dll" icon, to drag and drop files [.flx,.for,.obj,.lib] for compiling and linking. Select appropriate psse version, path & name for the dll file and click the 'create dll' button. done. Load your dlls just after loading the case and snp files for your simulation, using the activity 'load model library' under tools in psse gui or by recording such activity and inserting the generated code in the final python code to execute the simulation. The posting 'Is it possible to run the 'compile' and 'cload4' in Python with PSS/E?' provides related information.


answered Jun 17 '15

The structure of your fortran (.f) model files can be found in Chapter 18 (dynamic simulation setup and procedures) and 20 (model writing) of the Program Operation Manual.

Compilation is explained by jconto and should work if you have the correct Intel Fortran compilers.

Inclusion into the dynamic simulation of PSSE also requires the model parameters to be defined inside a .dyr file. The structure of this file for user-written models is given in Chapter 18.1 of the POM.


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Asked: Jun 5 '15

Seen: 8,122 times

Last updated: Jul 20 '22