PSSE Xpress Free 33.52

asked May 20 '15

Hector gravatar image

Has anyone tried to install PSS®E Xpress for students version 33.52?

While I was trying to install PSSEXpress on Windows Vista I got an error message. At first try, the installer asked permission to install Microsoft C++ Libraries. Afterwards when I execute the installer I just get next message (after PSSE logo). I rebooted my computer. And I get the same. Any solution?

This is a link to PSS®E Xpress . Most of you know that PSSE is a software by Siemens for power systems analysis.

Error message:

Error Code: -5005 : 0x80070002

Error Information:

Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)

SetupNew\setup.cpp (817)

PAPP:PSS®E Xplore 33

PVENDOR:Siemens Industry, Inc. Power Technologies International (



@Windows Vista / Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (6002)

IE Version: 8.0.6001.19298
