Zero sequence impedance
When i want to apply branch unbalance, but it says invalid BRANCH HAS NO ZERO SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE. It's a 9bus system btw.
Can anyone guide me? Thanks
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When i want to apply branch unbalance, but it says invalid BRANCH HAS NO ZERO SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE. It's a 9bus system btw.
Can anyone guide me? Thanks
You need to add zero sequence data to your branches. If you go into your "Network Data" and select the "Branch" tab, then scroll right until you see the columns starting with "Zero Seq" you will most likely see that they are blank. This is a problem. What you're trying to do is equivalent to performing a power flow without resistance data.
I manage to perform my power flow simulation as well as dynamic simulation. Just that when i want to apply unbalanced branch fault, this problem occurs: Branch has NO ZERO SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE. When i entered the zero sequence data, and i run again, it shows 'NO PATH TO GROUND'. still figuring out why
Power flow and dynamic simulation does not need zero and negative sequence data. It is all in positive sequence world. The sequence data is only needed when you try to do asymmetrical fault (such as phase to ground, phase to phase, or LLG fault).
Ok. Can you guide me how to do the unsymmetrical line fault ?
To calculate asymetrical fault, you need zero and negative sequence data, which could be written in *.SEQ files. When you open sequence data file (seq) in your case, asymetrical fault calculation is avaiable.
Asked: Mar 30 '15
Seen: 2,996 times
Last updated: Mar 31 '15