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pythonw.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

asked Feb 20 '15

anonymous user


I am running a code for fault analysis of power system by changing the impedances connected in power system. The code runs perfectly for smaller number of buses (in the range of 100 to 200 buses). But as I run it for a larger system with buses of the order of 1000, a window pops out saying that "pythonw.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." . Kindly help me resolve this problem.

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answered Feb 22 '15

jconto gravatar image

It seems as numerical errors keeps accumulating or memory is leaking, or python processes are not being terminated properly (search the net for more info). are you calling your code within PSSe GUI or outside it. Check in the system task manager if a python process remains after a run finished.
Post your code for better understanding on the problem.


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Asked: Feb 20 '15

Seen: 3,427 times

Last updated: Feb 22 '15