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Version issue in the PSS/e dynamic model !!!

asked Feb 6 '15

anonymous user


Hello, I am trying to use the PSSE dynamic models created in V28 with the V32/33 but I am not able to make it to work. Is there a compatibility issue between V28 and V32 regarding the model details? Could someone help with this? Thanks!!!


Could you tell what models you want to use? There is some difference in assigning models between 2 versions.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Feb 9 '15)

Thank you for replying to my post. I am trying to run the .idev file created in V28 in PSS/e 32. While doing this, PSS/e always crashes without any message. So, I cannot figure out the problem. There are several user defined models created in V28 as well. Hope you can help. Thanks!!!

Sarina gravatar imageSarina (Feb 9 '15)

I don't have lot experience with user defined models, but imo you should run sequentially each command to see what command cause the crash. Then check PSSE documents for the change in syntax between 2 versions. If that command is dyr loading command, the reasons may be one kind of the models.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Feb 10 '15)

For built-in models, again you can look out for syntax.

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Feb 10 '15)

One other thing to try if you're using Windows 7 is to run in XP compatibility mode, which has worked for some issues. There's instructions on the PTI website on how to do this. Other ideas, are to: re-make the idev, recompile/build the dll, and try to initialize a flat run.

cajief gravatar imagecajief (Feb 10 '15)

1 answer

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answered Feb 11 '15

jconto gravatar image

With user-defined models (UDM), recompile the models with the corresponding fortran compiler to create a PSSe version-specific dll (more info at chapter 2 "PSSe Compilers" of the "install" manual.) This is the typical problem of updating UDM's to newer Psse version, because 'old' UDM version are incompatible.


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Asked: Feb 6 '15

Seen: 1,465 times

Last updated: Feb 11 '15