PSSE probabilistic contingency analysis

asked Jan 6 '15

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I am working on probabilistic contingency analysis using PSS/E driven by Python. Some issues I encountered are:

  • The outage statistic data for transformers specified in a .prb file:

LINES IN KV 138.0 0.762 0.000000577 0.10 10 0.10 7

LINES IN KV 230.0 0.746 0.000000548 0.11 6.81 0.01 35.83

LINES IN KV 500.0 0.448 0.000000448 0.26 11.32 0.00 0.85

TRANSFORMERS IN KV 138.0 0.12 100

TRANSFORMERS IN KV 230.0 0.12 100

TRANSFORMERS IN KV 500.0 0.1306 199.14

UNITS 0 1000.0 IN SYSTEM 'STUDY' 1.00 50


This is the data file generated using Python. PSS/E takes data for Lines and generators but does not recognize data for transformers. It simply says that there is no data for two winding transformers. I am not sure where the problem is.

  • The summary report on frequency and duration about a particular probabilistic index is printed out in PSS/E tab. How can I redirect this output to a file such that I can extract these information using Python? Currently, the output statistics does not include this kind of information.

  • I am trying to use maccc_parallel function and apparently it is not working for multi-level contingency analysis. As you know, multi-level contingency analysis is where the parallel calculation is needed the most. I am wondering about the status of this function in PSS/E and if it is still not working, is there any way to get around? I.e., I can develop second level or third contingency combinations and put them into a simple contingency list file? How can I use the built-in functions to calculate the frequency and duration for combinational contingencies for probabilistic assessment?

These questions may not be directly related to python but I really appreciate if anyone who knows answers can help.