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how do PSSE calculate VAR without specific command

asked Nov 17 '14

tongxiaowang gravatar image

updated Nov 17 '14

i met a problem when using the software psse. i wrote the wrong command psspy.branchpandqchannel([100,24,26,30,38],r"""1""",["",""]) instead psspy.branchpandqchannel([100,-1,-1,30,38],r"""1""",["",""]) the difference is 24 vs -1, which i have learned that is the VAR index. and 24 in my case has been used. then I confused what kind of VAR have been done without our addtional command. i run a case and found there are 29 var address have been used. please tell me typical usage. i knew that IEEET1 excite model need KE be a var.

by the way, what happened to my wrong command? don't the program just clean the no.24 address var value and calculate again?

i am not a English-speaking man, forgive my rough expression. Appreciate your help, regard

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answered Jan 5 '15

Based on your question, I assume you have an IEEET1 exciter model and you'd like to monitor KE. My assumption is that the exciter is for a generator on bus 30 and has an ID of "1" though this is not clear from your question.

generatorBusNumber = 30
generatorID = "1"
VAR = psspy.mdlind(generatorBusNumber, generatorID, "EXC", "VAR")[1]
psspy.var_channel([_i,VAR + 0],"Bus30_KE")

Hope that helps.


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Asked: Nov 17 '14

Seen: 883 times

Last updated: Jan 05 '15